Healthy Flame

Trimming a candle wick is crucial for maintaining both safety and optimal performance.

Here are three key reasons why:

  1. Ensures a Healthy Flame Height: A flame that is too tall increases the risk of fire and can lead to improper burning of the candle. This results in faster melting of wax and can accelerate the release of scent, affecting the candle's overall lifespan.

  2. Prevents Soot: Trimming the wick prevents excess wax from being pulled through, reducing the production of soot during combustion. While candle soot isn't typically harmful, it can be unsightly and leave stains on surrounding surfaces.

  3. Achieves Proper Scent Throw: Maintaining an appropriate flame height ensures that the fragrance oils vaporize at an optimal rate, enhancing the candle's scent throw throughout its lifespan. A wick that's too long can lead to a faster release of fragrance, resulting in a weaker scent over time.

Trimming the wick before each burn is recommended to maintain these benefits.

However, it's important to avoid trimming immediately after extinguishing the candle to prevent uneven wax settling.

The ideal wick height may vary depending on factors such as wick type and wax blend, but generally falls between 6 mm (¼-inch) to 1.25 cm (½-inch) tall.

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